
ive been coding on & off for years now, here i want to archive all ive done, versions of pages ive coded & my thought process!


my first webpage i coded at 14 years old! very basic, i wanted something similar to carrd, but without paying the premium. i really had no idea what i was doing as u can see by the images sticking to the left & bottom LOL. this is the only site that is currently still up, as i have no idea what my log is anymore


i was 15-16 when i released this site unto the wild. this was my first real attempt at coding, i remember sitting down for HOURS after school struggling with aligning all the images on this site. . .going to this link will redirect you to my current site

current era

for a while i stopped using neocities & actually forgot how to code entirely this site, winteryear, has been up since Mar 21, 2024, however i didnt start coding til the beginning of this year 2025! the road to getting where this site is now has been full of a lot of trials & tribulations, but i am proud to be coding this site, & im happy where it is now



this site has gone thru a lot of versions! i reaaaally wanted to have a PC BG so the first version of my homepage ended up being really small. i had some ideas as to what i wanted to add to my homepage, but i was relearning everything again so i just stuck with it for a while


i was letting go of the rainbows in favor for frutiger areo imagery, i realllyy wanted to make the pink PC work, but it was clashing with the HQ bgs & it was really tiny too


finally let the PC image go, it was really small & low quality so i instead made the mainframe bigger with a colorful butterfly BG


i let go of the header image in favor for big text, it didnt match with the aesthetic i wanted for the home page. a subtle difference between V2 & V2.1


moved the navi, looking a lot like what i have up currently but with different imagery



i used the notebook for my about but i ended up moving this layout to my blog page instead


very similar to what i currently have up on my about page, but with different imagery. the checkered BG was a placeholder, as i didnt know wat images or aesthetic i rlly wanted for my about page yet. Nico Robin stays, of course.