greetings My name is |
My identity is |
active, activist, ally, ambiguous, androgynous, android, animal lover, autistic, beautiful, bicurious, boy with a vagina, caring, complex, creative, creature, dude, effeminate, fagette, faggot, female impersonator, femme-ish, freak, friendly, genderfree, girly boy, homo-romantic, horse, introvert, LGBT, monogamist, odd, passionate, pervert, prettyboy, pro-choice, quiet, romantic, sensitive, she-geek, spiritual, tomgirl, treehugger, unclockable, understanding, weird, wizard |
What's yours? |
Throughout my whole life, i never really felt i fit in with humans. With me being autistic, i was usually the other in most situations. Due to this, ive been forced by family to act a certain way, wear certain things and do what im told to do. Which led me to escape into my mind, allowing myself to be unrestrained by my physical appearance and visualize an identity for myself. i know i am human, and have the body of one. But being described as "human" never felt right. As a child i would always be drawn to animals and fictional characters. And now as an adult i still feel the same way. While its still hard to put into words, ive realized that im otherkin
feel free to call me by any of these names
Misaki Nakahara
Pinkie Pie